
Critical Reflection

How do your products represent social groups or issues?     Our product illustrates how social groups are represented by presenting two guys of younger age and lower socioeconomic status who take on a camping trip. As soon as they finish setting up the campsite, they decide to explore the surrounding area of the campground, while doing so, Jean (white shirt) brings up a story of a person who had gone missing while exploring the same parts which he had read online. Riley responds that Jean is being ridiculous. Jean then further elaborates that the missing person was a child they once knew. Social groups are represented in the film as camping as a vacation is representative of a person who is young and of a lower socioeconomic class, which defines the two boys. The social issue of kidnappings or missing persons is also represented as young people are common victims to kidnappings and that missing persons reports garner very little attention in news media which explains why Riley does not

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Short Film - Into the forest


Production Blog: Finished Everything!

And that's it, people! Our horror short film is finally finished, having taken some unexpected turns during the weeks of preparation, filming, and editing. We are quite proud of what we've achieved and are eager to show the world our terrifying masterpiece! This trip has been nothing short of thrilling, from the early brainstorming meetings to the hectic days on set. Every frame has our entire being invested in it, and we hope that enthusiasm comes through in the finished piece. So keep an eye out because we have something wicked coming our way, and we can't wait for you to share it with us. We are going to start editing our film now that we have completed filming. We will both work together to edit this film. We both have different ideas on how to edit this video. So i hope this works out and we both figure something out so that we can edit this film!

Production Blog: Fixing Errors

    Despite the setback, we refused to let it ruin our spirits. We improvised like pros, coming up with creative workarounds to keep the shoot on track. It's all part of the filmmaking process, right?  We've learned that flexibility and adaptability are key when things don't go according to plan. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, we focused on finding solutions and pushing forward. And you know what? It made us stronger as filmmakers and as friends.  In the end, the hiccup with the mirror was just a bump in the road on our journey to creating something truly special. We're proud of how we handled the situation, and it's a testament to our passion and dedication to our craft.

Production Blog: Final Day Filming

    Murphy's Law was in full effect today, folks. Just when we thought everything was going smoothly, we hit a major snag.  Our main prop - a spooky antique mirror  decided to shatter into a million pieces right in the middle of a crucial scene. Talk about a nightmare!  We scrambled to come up with a solution, but it seemed like every idea we had fell flat. With time ticking away and our frustration mounting, it felt like we were facing an insurmountable obstacle.  But then, in a stroke of genius, Riley had an idea that saved the day.  We quickly improvised, rearranging the scene and swapping out the broken mirror for a makeshift replacement. It wasn't ideal, but it got the job done, and the scene turned out even better than we had hoped. It just goes to show that sometimes, the best moments come out of the biggest challenges.

Production Blog: Second Day Filming

    Okay, so filming isn't all serious business  - we had our fair share of laughs and mishaps today. From tripping over cords to accidentally scaring each other with our own props, it was definitely a day filled with unforgettable moments.  We even had a few unexpected visitors on set - a curious squirrel and a nosy neighbor who wandered into the frame at the most inconvenient times. But hey, it's all part of the fun, right? We embraced the chaos and turned it into comedy gold, capturing every hilarious moment on cameras.  Between takes, we goofed around and shared inside jokes, creating memories that we'll cherish long after the cameras stop rolling. It's moments like these that remind us why we love filmmaking - it's not just about the finished product, but the journey along the way.