Production Blog - Editing

 Hello Again! Today I will be telling you all about my process of editing all of the clips. So, first off, Lucas had sent me all of the clips after filming. The next step was for me to watch all of the clips and compile them into the iMovie project all in order. After this, I had decided which ones to use as we took multiple takes. After that, I had put all of the clips in order on the project. Then there was a problem... It was going to be too long. So now I had to cut some clips off. It was starting to become crammed so I tried to cut off all clips evenly by around half a second. It still wasn't done yet so I decided to put together editing effects for the final product. I used a lot of action effects such as split screen. After editing everything together, I noticed that somehow, it had actually went under the time limit. I must have miscalculated the length of the videos in the split screen. After this, I reviewed everything to make sure it was good to go. The running scene still looked crammed. To fix this, I decided to restore a little bit of the clip as I had a little bit of time. After that it looked much better. After editing, I had to upload it to YouTube. Everything looked great. We completed the Commercial!


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