Production Blog - Filming

 Greetings! Today I will be telling you about our process of filming the commercial. At first, we were going to film on October 12th. We were gonna film at noon, but when we both got there, it had started raining. So then we had begun to plan for the 14th. This time, we had looked at the forecast, and it had said that there would be a 30% chance of rain for the day. We planned on filming at noon. When we got there it was quite cloudy, but we begun filming. We started by filming the scenes that took place on the Football field and the Track. This was because they were furthest away from the parking lot. While filming it had begun raining. This time, we just decided to film anyways. It happened to look cooler than it would look if it hadn't rained. It really added to the theme of refreshing yourself and looked really good while paired with a sports drink. After filming on the track, we had moved to the Basketball courts and Tennis courts. The problem with this, is that they were sort of flooded and we had to use a squeegee to move the water out. After this, it looked a little better but the water was still quite noticeable. We filmed it and it turned out great. All we had to do next was film myself putting on the props. After filming everything, and reflecting on everything, I have to say that Lucas made a great call by making me the actor and him being the cameraman, because after all, it turned out great. 


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