Production Blog - Getting everything I need for the commercial.

 Hello! Today I will be talking to you about what I did to get ready for the commercial. In order to film for the commercial, we needed props, so I first went to the dollar store to see what they had and so I can save money. All they had was a rainbow basketball which wasn't going to do the job for us as we needed to be official with the sports balls as we are marketing the commercial towards athletes. So, after I headed to the Publix nearby to get the Gatorade. At Publix, the blue Gatorade was on sale so I opted to buy that one. We didn't find any other props at Publix. Next, I went to Target to see if they had anything. I needed a football and tennis balls. When I checked the sports section, Target had a leather red and black football which I bought. I had also seen a bag of 16 Tennis Balls on sale at Target, so I had gotten those too. The rest of the props I needed was a Tennis Racket, Basketball and Football Gloves. I will borrow a Tennis Racket from a neighbor who plays tennis, I have a Basketball at home and I had gotten Football gloves from a player at a football game. I have all of the props. For the costume, I would need to buy a sports shirt, which I do not have. I went to Ross and saw a cheap Under Armor sports shirt, I decided to buy that. For filming, Lucas, my partner, will use his phone to record. We will be using my computer to edit as well. We plan to film at a local park which has everything we need for the project. A track, football field, basketball courts... It has everything we need. Anyways, we will be filming on the 12th unless it rains. Stay tuned for the next blog!


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