Group Blog - Music Video | New group!

    For this project, I will be working with Thomas and Angel. I have not had any classes with Thomas nor had I really talked to him up until 2 days ago but we have mutual friends and seemed to get along very fast. I had just met Thomas last class period and he seems like a good partner to work with. He seems very productive which will be better because my former groupmate and I were distracted easily which was probably because we are friends. I knew of Thomas earlier this year through mutual friends but haven't truly talked to him. I do not know Angel, he is a friend of Thomas' and he seems nice and I think we will get along well. For the last project, me and Lucas had many disagreements which wouldn't usually be a problem but in this case it was a little too much disagreement. So that is why I decided to change groups. I am excited to work with new people and I hope to be more productive on this assignment than the last. I think we will make a great group because we have similar music taste which might give us an advantage in a Music Video project as we already decided on the song we are doing on the day that the Blogs were assigned. I decided to work in a group of 3 because  we needed more people for the last project and I ended up doing all of the acting while Lucas did all of the camerawork. I feel like a group of 3 would give us more people to do more things. We already have everything we need as well. I have good video editing software so we will have no issue editing the music video, Thomas has a good camera, and Angel also has a good camera. I felt it was in my best interest to work with two people because we will have more connections and it allows for us to have at least one more actor (minimmum) and a good cameraman. For the Music Video, we will be choosing to do the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas theme song. We chose this song because it has a chill, 90s vibe. The song makes the listener feel like a boss and I feel like that sets the tone for a very high quality music video. I feel like it allows for many things to be done in that music video.




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