Music Video - Planning Blog

 Hello Again! This blog will go over what we will be doing with this project and what we plan to do with the video. We will go over the props we need and what we will be doing at what dates. We are recording a music video for the GTA San Andreas theme song so we are trying to go for a 90s Gangster rap music video vibe.

First of all, we will need Props. The necessities to make this music video will be Prop Money, we will need Bikes so we can film a cool wheelie scene. We will also need costumes. This will esentially be any 90s outfit that anyone might have (Oversized jerseys, Pastel colored clothing, Snapbacks, and chains... etc.) We will be wearing 90s clothing to be in character with our 90s themed music video. 

Me and my group mates need to discuss our personal schedules and plans to set a film schedule or a backup plan. The location will be Lauderdale-by-the-sea. We will not be doing any explosions or anything that might be dangerous so we don't really need any protocalls.

Lauderdale by the sea, where we will be filmingLauderdale By the Sea, where we will be filming. 


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