Storyboard Blog - I'm Happy!


1st Scene: The music video opens with a medium-longshot of a man closing an umbrella and beginning to sing in a bright aleyway.

2nd Scene: The next scene depicts a longshot of the main character walking past the athlete. After this the athlete closes his umbrella and seems much happier.

3rd Scene: Longshot of the main character and the athlete walk past another guy with an umbrella. He closes the umbrella and sings.

4th Scene: Medium shot of all 3 previous characters running up on another character holding an umbrella and taking him to dance.

5th Scene: Medium Shot of all four characters dancing to the chorus, "Because i'm happy"

6th Scene: Medium shot of the fourth character breaking down dancing to the chorus.

7th Scene: Medium Sideshot of the athlete making a free-throw, he looks over and sings along to the chorus.

8th Scene: Fourshot of all characters clapping to the chorus.

9th Scene: Medium shot. New character, "Bad News" enters the frame while singing and all characters look at him

10th Scene: Medium Shot. Main character grabs Bad News' umbrella very aggressively.

11th Scene: Closeup of main character throwing Bad News' umbrella and grabbing Bad News to dance with him.

12th Scene: Medium Shot of everyone dancing to the 2nd chorus at a high angle. The song begins to fade out here.


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