Production Blog: Editing

 Hello and welcome back to the blog. I have gathered all of the clips from the filming session yesterday and I put them together today. I have cut the videos into clips that are applicable for use in the video. I used the program, iMovie on my MacBook in order to edit. I think I did a good job with editing the clips. I believe I have set myself up for easy editing once the rest of the clips are filmed on Friday. When editing I already put the music into the file so I have already gotten started with the main editing. I had also put some clips together on top of the music. For missing scenes, I decided to put still images that signify that there needs to be a clip put in. The video isn't done but I say I am about halfway done with it. That is good progress. For Friday, I want to add more characters into the music video.  By this I mean to add people "closing the umbrella" which signifies them as getting rid of their sadness. I want to do this because it follows the storyboard as much as possible. If we follow the storyboard I am sure we will be very successful with this project.  So, I want to film a storyboard scene in the blue alleyway that we discovered during our first filming session. I also want to film another storyboard scene at the basketball court. I think I can incorporate characters that dress differently so not everyone is the same. I think this could fill in as their "personality." For example, an athletic person would wear athletic clothes or a businessman would wear business attire.  Something like that.



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