Production Blog: Filmed

 Hello Again and Welcome back to the blog! I have finished the first filming session and I have a lot to tell. We began the day by filming the opening scene and it turned out well. We began to film random dancing around the park. We recorded angel doing a dance in a nearby alleyway, Thomas dancing in front of the fellowship hall, and I danced in front of a Fire Truck that was decorated with Christmas Lights. We had only enough time for a couple shots before the sun set but that didn't really limit us as we had to scout out shots for filming on Friday. We found a little walkway that was all blue, perfect for filming, we had found a sidewalk with a lot of christmas lights which we may use and we also thought of possibly filming on the beach. There were a lot of other spots we found, but they might not be used. It is a really great place for filming. In total we shot 6 scenes that may or may not be used. I also think it was a good experience. I had a lot of fun filming. There were a lot of funny moments that happened and I think it has made me become friends with my group. It was a good experience and I actually look forward to filming on Friday. The only things that I can see becoming a problem is time. Because of winter daylight savings, this will be tough. We only have about an hour and a half to shoot, so we will need to get our group moving and the larger group might be harder to manage but I think it can work out. Anyways, on Friday, I expect to finish the storyline and to film some more filler scenes. I think it is very possible and because we filmed so much today, it took a lot of weight off of our shoulders and made the process a lot easier. I also plan on getting some friends for filming on Friday. Anyways, that is about all, I look forward to filming again on Friday!

Fellowship Hall, One of the settings for a scene.



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