Production Blog - Filming Tomorrow! (Again)

 Hello and welcome back to the blog. Today I will be discussing my plans for what I will do tomorrow while filming. As you know from my previous blog posts, I plan on following the storyboard as much as possible this time around. I want to focus on character development as well as a storyline. I don't want the story to be obvious but I want things to signify emotions. I want people to have to really look into the music video to see a story. So, I used an umbrella to signify sadness and characters would throw the umbrella away to signify them as getting back into a happy mood. I want this music video to really kind of be centered around emotions. For filming locations, we have that figured out from scouting from last time. There is a little area near the fellowship hall that has an overhang and could be a good place to film a low angle shot. I also discovered a place near the beach with pretty christmas lights that could be pretty good for the music video's aesthetic. We also though about possibly filming on the beach. The beach might be a nice place to film especially because of scenery. I want the music video to have good scenery. The beach would be really good for this and I might consider filming. However, most of these shots might not make it because it is on a time limit. We have enough filler videos and I think we should mostly focus on the storyline for tomorrow. I am only afraid that there might not be enough to the storyline so I might have to think about doing something about that. Anyways, I think that it will be fun regardless and I think we will get a lot done. I am excited to get to filming tomorrow and look forward to talking about it in the next blog.

Lauderdale by the sea beach


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