Genre Research: Bird Box

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? 

People cannot look outside at the real world as there is some sort of mysterious force that plagues their eyes which then controls what they do. This movie follows a family of three and their adventures and struggles they face to make it to a safe sanctuary blindfolded. This movie is not that similar plot wise. However, the Mise-En-Scene is very similar. Bird box uses a lot of close-up shots, handheld camera movement, and tracking. Bird box also uses Everyday clothing. Everyday clothing is used a lot in thrillers to create realism and to create a relatable connection between the character and the audience. Limited amount of makeup is also used to make it more realistic. 


What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? 

There were many elements that our group enjoyed in this movie. However, we narrowed it down to a few genres related ones. In Bird box the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the movie. In thrillers all movies have this ongoing suspense that keeps you entertained and on the edge of your seat. They do this by using certain sounds. This movie uses very dramatic and suspenseful music. Jump cuts are added to this music to almost scare the crowd and create more suspense. 


What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? 

There were a few elements that the group did not enjoy from analyzing Bird Box. This movie was exceptional, however we narrowed it down to a couple. This movie was very gory showing a lot of deaths. Most of them being suicides. We feel as if this felt wrong and was not as intended for our movie. This can be shown as when one of the characters jumps out of a window when she looks outside 


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