Genre Research: Fight Club

- What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? 

The main character’s best friend was just a figment of his mind, which was revealed at the end of the movie. He was a creation of everything the main character wanted to be, and when the main character became this, the friend vanished. The movie is remarkably similar to our film idea through elements such as having a flawed main character. Our protagonist has a degree of schizophrenia which is how he is able to conjure a best friend in his mind. Another similar element is that we intend our characters to be dynamic, unique, and interesting to the audience. 

- What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? 

While there were many elements that we enjoyed in the movie. However, we will narrow it to our favorite few genre-related elements. The protagonist was slightly flawed and insane but very likeable and entertaining. Furthermore, all the characters shown during the movie were unique in ways that conventional people would not be like in society. An example of this is Bob, an obese former-steroid user who ends up dying for the cause of the Fight Club. There was also a significant level of art behind this movie as it gave hints that an intelligent man will have extreme trouble living a conventionally ordinary life.

- What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? 

There were very few elements that we, as a group, did not enjoy while analyzing Fight Club. The movie was very well made, but we had to nitpick a few related to the genre. One thing that we noticed was that many aspects of the movie were a bit too immoral and gore-like to what we had intended for our movie. This can be seen when the protagonist's imaginary role model has a fight with the owner of the basement that they were using as the fight club.  


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