Title Research: Bad Sisters

 For our 3rd Blog, we researched ‘Bad Sisters’ which we found from art of the titles

1.      What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

At the end of the mysterious opening sequence, the title card “Bad Sisters” is shown in a plain background and plain manner, but due to the previous images, it was still mysterious and suspenseful. Aside from this, some other credits and titles are shown. This includes a

ctors, directors, producers, music artists, and some other titles.

2.      What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

Images of weapons capable of violence are being used in a Rube-Goldberg-Style machine. This creates suspense and gives insight as to what some of the film will be about. The opening’s main purpose is to add suspense, as a thriller should. This is complimented by an appropriately added song which perfectly captures what the studio was aiming to attain.

3.       What connotations do these images carry?

The images shown in the opening sequence have a connotation of violence. This is because all the main scenes in the opening sequence feature a weapon or something that is capable of violence. If neither of these are true, then it is something that has an implication of having experienced violence (Example: dead badger)

4.      How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

The thriller genre is about suspense. The film establishes this feeling of the Thriller genre from the outset by showing weapons used casually in a Rube-Goldberg-Style machine. The use of weapons in such a fun machine implies that the show may be about uncalled violence and strange violence. It is also a dark film, so the thriller genre suits it perfectly.

5.      What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

‘Bad sisters’ uses techniques such as black fade-outs and appropriate non-diegetic sound to appeal to its target audience in the opening sequence. It performs this masterfully and effectively.

6.       How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

The film uses music and fade-ins and fade-outs to appeal to the genre of Thriller in a gloomy/dark manner. It does this in such a suspenseful way that even a simple title screen can be the envoy of excitement in the audience.


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