Title Research: Outbreak

Title research: Outbreak

Found from art of the titles

1.      What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

In the 30 seconds it shows the actors names, then follows with the title card ‘OUTBREAK’. When it goes into the opening scenes it shows the producers name and all the costume makers, sound, music, etc.…It also has words to tell what is happening during the scene like ‘BIOSAFETY LEVEL 2.

2.    What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

The images prioritized are some agents in a lab somewhere remote and guarded. This is a high-end place with them describing as high biohazard and multiple infectious agents in there. They also have these complicated suits on everyone in the place. They are led by a general in army clothing.

3.         What connotations do these images carry?

These images are showing this is an important place. Most labs aren’t secret and, in the army, other than area 51 which is a secret place. They also want to show the different levels of biosafety to show the versatility and how dangerous the place could be.

4.        How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

The film establishes thriller from the beginning. It starts off with a bomb dropping into an army camp and it being obliterated with people too. It goes into the lab with all the people in the fourth Biosafety. They get their suits aired out to clear bacteria. This has to do with thriller because it is creating that suspense. For example, what will happen in the lab. Will a disease spread. Will it explode.

5.              What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

 The film uses multiple strategies to appeal its target audience. Outbreak sounds like some sort of disease or a virus. They use sirens and radioactive gear. They wear these suits as something bad has happened. They use the sirens to show there has been an emergency. Maybe being the outbreak?

6.  How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

 In this opening sequence there has been a lot of CAPS and they have used them effectively. For example they use a lot of wide shots to show all the people in the room. They also use close shots to show the importance of the things in the lab. Lastly they used tracking. When the army general was walking around the lab. They did this to show all the places in the facility.


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