Production Blog: Beginning to film

  Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Last time on my blog, I had discussed my groups' plans on when to film. Well, Amidst the discussion, Lucas had decided on our filming date. It was going to be March 15th. However, it wasn't optimal for all of us. I wasn't sure if I could do the 15th because I was planning on going to Georgia for Spring Break and I might have to pack that day. It looked like I wasn't going to be able to film that day. I told Lucas this but Lucas insisted that it was the perfect day to film. The date might have been able to work for everyone else, but not for me. On the day of the 15th, nobody was available to film. Weather made bad traffic in Angel's area, and Thomas could not go because his parents work on Wednesdays. Lucas was the only group member that could film that day. We all talked over it and decided that we shouldn't film so close to spring break. We all agreed that our schedules would be busy during spring break and decided we would begin filming after spring break. 


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