Production Blog: Continuing Filming

 Greetings all and welcome back to my blog! On my previous blogs, On the previous blogs, I explained the annoying process of finding an optimal time to film with my groupmates. Fortunately, we were all able to settle on a date and we begun filming the beginning of our final task in accordance to our storyboard. We all had made a lot of progress in filming the opening, contextual scenes which had revealed the characters. In the time that we had filmed, we had completed the establishing scene, and had introduced both main characters. We had gotten to the part where Thomas was going to drop off his imaginary friend and by that time, it had began getting late. We decided to call it a day and settle with filming tomorrow.  It is now, the next day. My group and I all banded together to try to complete as much of the filming as possible. We were now finishing up the 7th scene in our storyboard. This is when our main character begins driving home from work. I decided to do this scene with my friend's car and I captured a tracking shot of him driving home from work. After this, I finished up to scene 11 of my storyboard with my group filming. I suggested that we end it here because the next scene was going to take a lot of preparation. My group agreed. The reason that they agreed was because the next scene (scene 12) was going to be difficult to act out. It was one of the most important scenes as it would be very suspenseful and it would directly strike the thriller genre. So, I assigned a new date to finish up our filming, which would be in a couple days. They were all fine with this date and we moved on. I knew I would need to help Thomas (The main character) be able to act out this scene, so I helped him just before we left. At this point, I felt I was ready for the final filming session.



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