Intro Blog

Hello, This is my introduction blog for the final task of my 2023-2024 Media Studies A-Level Final Task. I have grown a lot since my AS level days and have grown more attached to media and filmmaking. I have a camera now and have experience intaking pictures with it. I still enjoy watching football. My favorite sports teams are My favorite artist is Kendrick Lamar. I also love watching hockey and basketball. My favorite food is still pizza. I also love to eat desserts. I am on my High School's tennis team. I also collect Sports Cards. I have become more invested in rollerblading and learning to play hockey. I have been playing basketball too! My favorite movie is Interstellar. I have started to take up photography. I have a new camera and am interested in doing it as a hobby. I researched how to use the camera and have gotten pretty good at it! I think it is a very fun way to get exercise. I have also started cooking food. I like making meals because its very therapeutic. Anyways, that's about it and I am very excited for this last project. I have plans to make this the best project and am very eager to make my Final Task! 


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