Planning Blog
Hey welcome back! Today we will be talking about our plans to film this short film and how we plan to go about it.
Schedule: So me and Riley haven't really planned a schedule, since we both have pretty busy weeks but we plan on recording during the weekends. We decided to record on weekends due to the fact it'll give us more time to film rather than a few hours after school where we would have limited time. If there is a long weekend or early release we will take advantage of that and film. So we don't really have a schedule as of right now but plan on filming during weekends.
Location: So our location is still pending due to the fact that we have a lot of places to choose from but Riley said he would prefer if it were near my house. We originally planned on filming in a nature park in the woods but then we thought about an idea where we can film at a carnival since there are a few happening around our area. We will pick between one of those two locations but we will also film around the area like on the street and sidewalks and at one of our houses, so we have a few locations to film at.
Participants: So we haven't really talked this through since we have communication issues due to the fact he can't really be on his phone at home but we did talk about this a little before hand. We don't know which one of us will be filming and which one will be acting but we know it'll be one of us filming and the other acting. We also plan on involving some of our friends in the film if it is necessary, as of right now we only need two more people to be actors but that's all we know for now.
Health and Safety: We plan on being very safe while filming this. Since we might be in public we will make sure to check of our surroundings before filming and make sure that we are allowed to do what we are planning on doing and are allowed to film. Our health of us and potential actors are important as well so before we film we will make sure that everyone involved is in good health so that nothing goes wrong while filming.
Props: So depending on our final location will also help us choose our props. If we go for the nature one we will have to use stuff such as a tent and water bottles and camping equipment. If we go for the carnival we won't need as much since there will already be a lot of item's surrounding us. However we do plan on using a skateboard since riley wanted to use one for our film so we will use that and most likely a phone.
Costumes: We don't plan on using anything specific but again it'll depend on our final location. If we do the woods then obviously we will use out door costumes like camping gear and camping equipment. If we go for the carnival we will use more modern costumes like regular outing cloths. However the predator in our film will most likely end up wearing all black and maybe a mask? We don't know yet but we will figure it out eventually.
Back-up Plans: Depending on how our situation goes will determine what we end up doing. If it non-stop rains when we are available to film we might need to change our ideas into indoor instead of outdoors. If we can't find anyone else to help us film we might need to rely on one of our siblings or just not use anyone else in general. Depending on the location we choose will determine a lot of the aspects of the film including our backup plans and what else we plan on doing.
So that is all for now! I hope we cleared an image for our plans even though we haven't fully decided. Once we decide I will update you guys on our official plans. I hope we have a great rest of your day until next time, adios.
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