Creative Critical Reflection - Commercial

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? My commercial used many of the common elements within sports drink commercials. It uses bright lighting as well as other elements. In one scene, the Gatorade suddenly appears on a bench. By doing this scene, we were able to incorporate fantasy elements into our commercial. I also included an athlete in the commercial who is participating in various sports throughout the film. By doing this, the commercial is able to target a specific audience, which is athletes. The song that I found, "Jump Around" by House of Pain, fit well as it emphasizes all of the ongoing action in the commercial. The lighting and setting is also fit with conventions in place, as lighting is bright and the setting is outside, both relating to sports and activities. In addition, the props used were a Gatorade Bottle, an (American) Football, a glove, a tennis racket, a tennis ball, a basketball, and sho...